About Us
Here we go on another excellent adventure! Our intentions are to use this blog to bring clarity to the concept of a parity system for agriculture. As we explore this topic, we will make the connections between agriculture and the environmental, social, and economic impacts of the current agriculture system, and the emphasize the need for a Just Transition to a system of family farms using organic and regenerative methods. George will draw on his experience in the farm justice movement, beginning when he began farming his family’s farm in the 1970’s, through the crisis of the 1980’s, and continuing to this day and incorporate his knowledge of economics and history. Patti will bring her own perspective and her research skills to this work.
On our family farm in 1959.
About Patti Naylor
I grew up on an Iowa farm, surrounded by family and community. I knew in my heart that it was the best place for a kid to grow up and, I was quite certain, that this farm — with its pastures and animals, garden and orchard, proximity to river and woods — must be one of the most beautiful places on Earth. After college, I left Iowa and didn’t live in this state again for over 30 years. During that time I taught nutrition to low-income urban residents and later taught middle school English and writing. I traveled, lived in several other states, and learned to appreciate the cultures and experiences of other people. Today, I am back on an Iowa farm, working alongside my husband as we transition his family farm to certified organic crops. How we connect to each other and to the natural world is still a subject I feel is important. My hope is to bring other voices into this blog — it isn’t about two individuals — it’s about ideas, discussion, respect, and perspectives.
About George Naylor
Content coming soon.